In the news / Publications
Free parenting webinar
In conjunction with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) parenting site, I was a panelist during this free parenting webinar. The topic was “RSV: When It’s More Than Just a Cold.”
RSV Education
I had the unique opportunity to record my RSV Story in conjunction with the Rally Against RSV Campaign. Provides first hand experience, information and education about RSV, as well as practical tips for how to protect yourself and your children.
In the 9News Studio
Feature Story and Live TV Interviews
Interviewed on 9News in Denver during breastfeeding week to talk about challenges moms face with breastfeeding. Have also done interviews for multiple news stories on infants in the NICU, first responders, breast milk, NICU nutrition, and NICU success stories.
Two writings featured by TODAY Parenting Team
Writing featured on scary mommy
I am a pediatrician, but I was still scared when my child needed to go to the ER.
Home with oxygen after COVID-19
What Doctors have to say about Asthmatic Kids and COVID-19
Interviewed and quoted in a ScaryMommy article on Asthmatic kids and COVID-19.
A selection of writings and interviews about Lincoln’s COVID-19 Experience
My blog post about Lincoln’s experience with COVID-19 went viral. It was published across the internet and on news stations around the world. In addition to the below highlighted publications and interviews, it was also covered by BBC Brazil, DailyMail TV, TODAY parents, Scary Mommy, African Parent, CNN New Day, MSNBC LiveStreaming News, 2 local news stations and Dr. Oz. You can click on the below buttons to see a few of the stories that went live.
5280 Magazine interviews
I have been interviewed by 5280 Magazine and asked to contribute to several articles over the last several years. Click below to read the articles.