Mother's Day for Mamas in the NICU
NICU Mama, I see you.
I see you sitting next to the incubator and enjoying skin-to-skin cuddles with your baby. I see you holding vigil over your term baby in the radiant warmer. I see you scrubbing your hands and arms when you walk into the NICU, while simultaneously looking at the monitors to see if it is your baby who is alarming. I see you pumping every 3 hours around the clock and saving every drop of breast milk you make. I see you feeding your baby through an NG feeding tube, wondering just how long it will need to stay in place.
I see you mourning the loss of a dream you had - a dream that did not include spending your 2020 Mother’s Day in the NICU. I see you worrying about your baby and fighting for your identity as a Mama in the NICU. I see you, because, on this Mother’s Day, I am right beside you, taking care of babies just like yours in the NICU.
While I know this is not the Mother’s Day you dreamed of and wanted, it is still a day to celebrate.
To celebrate what a great job you did getting this far.
To celebrate the strength of your love for your baby.
To celebrate the bonds and friendships that have been created because of your NICU journey.
To celebrate your strength as a mother.
To celebrate the hope you are bathing in, dreaming of the day your baby will be discharged home from the NICU.
To celebrate the courage you show by walking into the NICU every day and sitting next to your tiny or big fighter.
To celebrate you, a mom. A strong, courageous, hopeful, loving mama to your mighty little.
Photo credit: Bailey Thoman
NICU Mamas, I hope you can find time to enjoy and celebrate this Mother’s Day! Give your mighty little and extra snuggle today!